“Do I have a place in this world?” - the question that every Yellow person asked himself. They are sensitive and observant. Yellows are sent to Earth to create. They are forced to wedge themselves into the dystopian dynamics of the world, where the soil for conflict and destruction is the most fertile. One day, they were misunderstood by people. Yellow inventors were considered upstarts, artists - abstract rogues, musicians - mediocre fools. Within one generation, the Yellows did not find a common language with people. Here were only rare exceptions. These exceptions keep hope alive to this day. In the future, people often turned to the ideas of the yellow ones from the past. The conflict could not pass without a trace, without leaving scars on the yellow ones. Among them were those who became disillusioned with society and the idea of creation, turning to the path of destruction. The creeping madness has not touched their ingenuity, keen intelligence and sensitivity to reality. This is how the world witnessed the most sophisticated serial killers, financial schemers and brutal rapists.

The protagonist of the story stands between two poles. His parents carefully protected him from the rough and angular world, but this only delayed his confrontation with reality. When their house burned down under mysterious circumstances, A. was forced to face the world around him in full. At the age of 9, his upbringing was continued by his aunt, from his father’s side. She was not Yellow, she treated them with contempt. There was no exit. Growing up was hard. The balance was fragile.

Later, the already matured protagonist is faced with the forced expulsion of the Yellow ones from his native land. He loses touch with his first love. Accustomed to nomadism, the hero experiences a forced separation from his native place, setting off on a journey not of his own free will. He only gradually realizes the longing for his native place and the past. Since those carefree walks with his mother through the forest, the clouds have only thickened. The way home is closed. He, an eternal renegade, will have to adapt to a new place. This is the story of his first interaction with the new reality after devastating deportation. This is the beginning of a “make you or break you” experience.
A. serves as a telescope into reality. He learns and tries to accept the fluctuations of reality. The protagonist has to learn to accept losses. Home in the local sense, home in the global sense. He is haunted by an identity crisis, pressure from outside and from within.